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Monday, November 05, 2012

this weekend was...

sometimes you need to tell your friends they have to cancel their weekend trip to montreal, because you are coming to visit them. you need to email them or call them or whatever it is you do, and tell them you are crashing their plans and making them spend time with you -- whether it's you who needs the time away, or your friend, or most likely both, every once in a while, it needs to be done. the last time i was in toronto was at the end of august, when i was able to spend a perfect day on toronto island with a special friend. although we were staying at neena's, i didn't get to spend as much time with her as i wanted, and had been itching to make it back up to her pretty one bedroom apartment ever since. so i did.
when neena first told me she was making the 'big city girl' move to toronto, i was selfishly not happy about it. i wasn't in love with the idea of her moving away from me and our other friends, and that i would have less time with her -- we had made it a habit to see each other several times a week, including lots of sleepovers and late nights crafting, fully getting down with our creative selves. it's inevitable with her, she has this incredible way of making that little feeling in my gut stand at attention like a tiny 'creative boner' and i can't help but want to do something productive and inspiring with it. what i was too selfish to see before, is so clear now, being immersed somewhere she can fully be and express herself, doing what she loves day in a day out, only makes the thing i find most amazing about neena, even more, well, amazing. it has grown into a very incredible part of her, and if i can have a little of that rub off onto me when i see her once a month, i'll take it. 
this weekend was not montreal, but it was...

walks through neighbourhoods filled with perfect old dream homes.
 sunshine through vibrant red japanese maples.
sharing the best french onion soup at the pub we didn't want to go in.
 dancing on a packed dance floor to motown hits while 'soul train' played on the screen.
going for 2am white russians with maraschino cherries, served by a cute boy with dimples for days.


  1. THAT HOUSE IS SO PERFECT! You girls look really cute in that photo, too!

    xx Cait


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